Saturday, December 18, 2010

Struggling to hold on

This may be a rant, but I am so tired of this hair journey mess. I still see breakage of all lengths; I can't afford some of the products I want to try; I really want an all-natural regimen; I need a trim; I need a relaxer; I want to transition; I want to be natural but my relaxed hair is helping me since its all I really know right now; I want braids to work now like they did in the past; I'm tired of set backs; I'm hard-headed; I don't listen my hair; I try to listen to my hair; This shyt takes too much time; I'm not sure if I care!!!!!!!!!!!

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Back again!

 Well, well, well, if it isn't me. Relaxed...again. It has been a journey, and it just keeps going. Almost to BSL and back teaching in t...