Saturday, December 25, 2010

My wash day: Christmas day

Well this week has been a good week for my hair in general. I mean REALLY GOOD!

I have been looking at naturals and taking tips from them because I want to transition in 2011. I have about 2 inches of new growth that is making me want to relax. And at 18 weeks post, I am really hoping this works during the next semester of college. So, I have a full thing of Silk Elements that I have been itching to try since I ran out of ORS on standby. My relaxer journey is not what I expected (<---which is to be expected). Nonetheless, I am greatful for all of the discipline and understanding of my hair that has taken place over the last two years.

On to the week. I was really good about listening to my hair this week. I co-washed 1x. I moisturized and sealed every night starting with a water spritz first, then following up with a dab of LTR and ORS carrort oil sealed with coconut oil. I skipped the ORS on the nights I did not co-wash.

To co-wash, I rinsed the hair well for 5 minutes and slathered on Dove Daily Moisture from root to end while I did my workout as like a deep condition. After that, I rinsed my hair and co-washed with my Tresumme moisture rich in sections and plaited each section. Lastly, I moisturized with HE LTR and ORS carrot oil and sealed with coconut oil.

Friday, I pre-pooed (all day) with olive oil sealed with coconut oil. Then, I rinsed the hair with warm water for 5 minutes and cleansed it with Hair ONE for dry hair. I let that sit for 5 minutes. My hair felt soooooo good after I rinsed. Why did I go back to shampoo?! Anyway, I thought that it was time for some protein so I did the Aphogee 2-min (honestly for about 10 mintues under a cap). Rinsed and added my deep condtioner: ORS replenishing pak. I dc-ed with no heat overnight. When I got in the shower on Saturday, I sectioned the hair down the middle, then in fours on each side (this made it real easy to detangle). Since I had more time, I had more patience with my hair and I used my Jibere shower comb after detangling each section with my hands from the ends to the root. By using my hands first, I was aslo able to find those stubborn knots which I was able to clear using the rub method for knots.

**To clear out stubborn knots I just gently rub the knot in between my fingers until the hairs loosen and I pull them out a few at a time. LOVE IT!

I braided my hair in the shower in eight braids and moisturized each braid with LTR, ORS and Fantasia serum, combed it all through and re-braided putting a little curl at the end with my fingers.

Lastly, I sat under the dryer for 30 minutes (on low) to dry my hair for a braid-out.

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