I went to Sally's today to buy the supplies to prepare for my braids. The sales representative suggested I try Ion Repair Solutions "effective care treatment" it says it is a light vegetable protein fortifier and moisturizer. So I will use as directed.
What I did:
*Pre-pooed overnight (and while I went on a quick run, w/TRESemme vitamin e conditioner
*Shampooed w/CON clarifying shampoo, rinsed and blotted dry
*Applied Ion on hair, with cap but without heat for 5-10 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
RESULTS: I did not like Ion at first. I am not sure if it is the amount of time I left it on (20 minutes) or the clarifying before it, or what. But when I felt my hair with the product it felt weird. Then when I rinsed, my relaxed hair was somewhat okay, but my n/g was dry. However, the next day, I only saw one broken strand in the sink (after plenty of manipulation). So, I think that it may replace my Aphogee system. Overall, my favorite protein conditioner is Nexxus Keraphix.
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