Thursday, May 5, 2011
Ending 1 year stretch??
After a 6 month (Jan/Feb 2010 - Aug 2010) stretch I relaxed with ORS normal for 20-30 minutes.
Prior to that, I clarified, d/c-ed with Nexxus and flat ironed 1 week prior, wore bun all week, and did not scratch.
Then relaxer day:
-Based all week HB castor oil, then Proline on relaxer day.
-Rinsed relaxer for 10 minutes
-I did a mid-protein step with the Optimum normalizer (5 mins)
-Shampooed with (in the following order:) ORS chelating, Color alarm (til white lather), and Porosity control.
-Conditioned with Porosity control (3 minutes)
-Deep Conditioned with Nexxus, ORS rep pak, SAO and other oils
-Co-washed and detangled with Dove daily moisture
-911 leave-in for dry hair (my favorite)
-Nickle-sized amount of LTR to ends and edges
-Sealed with SAO and serum
-Air-dry in pony tail with roller-set on bangs and ends.
Friday, April 8, 2011
What NOT to do while stretching...
- Detangling the hair before putting water on it
- Making sure not to stress the hair at the line of demarcation
- Keeping the hair clean (but still moisturized) to help ward off tangles in the first daygum place!
You might be wondering how I thought co-washing was going to help. Well I kept hearing this screeching chant in my head saying: "low-manipulation, low-manipulation, low-manipulation", that I let get the best of me so I tried it. Let me just say that by doing so, I managed to:
- Lock in the tangles from the week by adding water to my hair w/o pre-poo or detangling
- Put undue stress at the line of demarcation by trying to "work" the conditioner into and out of the braids (I saw the breakage to prove it when it was all over).
- Not rinse my hair clean because too much condition got caught up in the braids.
In other words...I won't go down that road, ever again. Ladies, do not try this at home (or anywhere else) !
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Wigs and Stretching

With the wig regimen, I have been wearing my hair in 6 cornrows and spraying them daily (almost, maybe every two days) with:
- Aloe vera juice and 911 leave-in spritz
- African Royal Braid x
- Mane 'n Tale detangler (only if I encounter a knot)
Also, I try to take each braid down at least twice in the week, spritz it with my moisturizers, remove any shed hairs and moisturize with my ORS green lotion (which has also been watered down with aloe for a creamier consistency).
- Sealing nightly, especially on ends and edges with Doo Gro oil or SAO.
I am trying so hard to stretch until August 2011, but I still, still, still experience some breaking. Although, I think that I only get about 5-10 broken strands per week. I don't know if I am paranoid or what!
What I want to do on wash day May, June, and July to get me to August 1 is:
- Detangle dry hair using Mane' n Tale spray (gently of course from ends to root)
- Deep condition on dry hair with my Lustrasilk mix (CON, Lustrasilk Shea butter mango, Roux porosity control, peppermint oil, and other oils)
- Shampooing with Hair one 3x's a month and Cream of nature only once a month when I do my ORS rep pak (possibly after my Aphogee 2-min) OR for a lighter protein route, I may just add Mane 'n Tale to my dc mix up above because my new growth does not like the medium protein.
- Co-wash often with Tresumme or Dove (something ULTRA moisturizing)
(especially after each workout)
- M/S nightly with my sprays and light oils (my hair responds better). I will only use ORS green lotion on the ends on each wash day before I seal.
- I will try to rollerset (with Fantasia IC) before I braid with endpapers (my hair responded to this well also).
If this does not work in May, I will be relaxing and trimming.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tonight's wash: January 26, 2011

My hair has been in 6 braids (no weave) all week (I used BraidX as a moisturizer under a baggy to moisturize nightly and I wore a head-wrap this week).
- I used Mane n' Tale on dry hair under a low dryer for 15 minutes (I just smushed in the braids)
- Rinsed well and added Dove for 15 minutes under dryer.
- Co-washed then rinsed and spritzed hair with a mix of aloe vera juice and 911 leave-in.
- Moisturized (mid-shaft/ends ONLY) with Tresumme and sealed with olive oil and re-braided anything that came loose during the wash.
That is all!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Reggie for the second half of my first 1-year stretch.
I'm still stretching, so it is quite a challenge. But, my overall problem is light breakage. I am about 24 weeks post and I am trying to keep things soft and strong like I am supposed to. Still recovering from January 2010's braid/matting issue which won't be fully resolved until I get a 1 inch trim with my relaxer in August, which will put me at 1 year post relaxer!!!
Solution to breakage problem: oil and/or conditioner pre-poos overnight, (C-W-C method), detangling with Mane 'n Tale detangler before every pre-poo and wash, TRESemme vitamin e conditioner mixed with sweet almond oil (sao) as a final rinse-out quick conditioner, Aphogee 2-minute, Ion Repair solutions (not currently using), LOADS of PATIENCE and GENTLENESS, air-drying in braids or rollersets and my new friend: Lustrasilk Aloe Vera super detangling cholesterol. Washing and conditioning in 6 braided sections and super low-maintanence styles like my headwrap and clipped up-do's.
Current hair status: A little past SL/CBL in the back and CBL and NL on
the sides, moderate/light breakage, soft but ends are still not as healthy as I would like. I am exactly 24 weeks and 1 day post relaxer. My goal is to get my stretching regimen down while my hair is not very long, and so's working!
Current solutions to try: Continue to listen to my hair, day-to-day, week-to-week- and month-to-month. DO WHAT WORKS. Using my blog as a journal to remind me of what is going on AND getting off of the product-junkie bandwagon. I research now for techniques versus products.
A. Using a lighter touch when combing, detangling, and braiding/setting. I know it sounds redundant, but I am naturally heavy-handed and I have to keep reminding myself. I only use my shower comb when detangling.
B. Detangling: I like detangling in the shower with my hands first then the comb next, in four sections with TRESemme Vit e (only). I have not found any other conditioner that gives me the kind of slip I can trust. This month I am testing Dove daily moisture as an alternative, but TRESemme Vitamin E is my staple. Detangling outside of the shower requires Mane n Tale Detangler and a moisturizing liquid leave-in.
C. The bi-weekly protein treatments with Aphogee 2-minute, ORS replinishing pak and Aphogee leave-in are helping me combat my breakage issue.
D. Styling: Since school is in, I have been wearing my head-wrap and so far, I like it.
E. Moisturizing: I will re-committ to moisturizing, sealing and baggying every night. My hair likes Doo grow, olive oil and coconut oil over the ORS carrot oil (for the winter).
F. Shampooing: I learned at 6 months + post relaxer I really must detangle with a detangler and pre-poo overnight every time! Castor oil, evoo, coconut, and/or sao overnight before wash day; and/or my Lustrasilk Aloe Vera detangling conditioner (a moisturizing conditioner on the ends for the C-W-C method) For June 2010 I used HE HH or hydralicious or TRESemme (Note to self: I have been having so much fun trying different cheap moisture conditoners. HE conditioners work well 1-10 weeks post while lighter cons like TRESemme vitamin e and Dove daily moisture work well 10+ weeks post for my pre-poos. When I run out of hydralicious, I will try LTR after my next relaxer).
G. Luke warm and cool water all the time works well and I will continue to do this indefinitely. I also did one ACV (1 part acv to 7 parts water) rinse that month which my hair loved! So I will do one this month. I also want to fit in black tea once a week before I d/c so that it can slow up some of this shedding.
H. I didn't have time to even look at my hair during the week so absolutely no combing during week was easy to do. With the braids and head-wrap, it is very easy to not manipulate my hair. But, it is also easy to neglect it as well, so I will co-wash my braids daily in the shower and use that time to m/s until wash day.
Products to try: - Lustrasilk Aloe Vera Detangling Cholesterol-
Products to purchase - ORS replenishing pak in the bottle - Dove Daily moisture (large) - TRESemme Vitamin E and Smooth n Silky (largest bottles) - a new black hat (maybe) -
New Staples added to my reggie: Hair One olive oil for dry hair and V05 clairifying conditioner (for cleansing hair after 10+ weeks post); Lustrasilk Shea butter cholesterol and the Aloe Vera cholesterol (for prepoos/DC 10+ weeks post), peppermint oil (for a relaxing deep conditioning experinence).
Products to modify or ditch: modify plastic hair combs and rollers with a
file and clear nail polish. Ditch: V05 clarifying shampoo (I will use this to clean my combs and brushes. If I want to clarify, all I need to do is lather twice with a moisturizing shampoo), Schwarzkopf zero frizz corrective serum (way too much protein), Profective Anti-breakage strengthening mega moisturizer (was using for braids, but I do not plan to braid my hair any more) Nexxus line except the heat protexx spray (when used up because less expensive products work just the same).
1.No Trims (personal): April 1, 2010 til April 1, 2011 (only S&Ds)
2.Clipped Bun (Head-wrap/wig) Challenge (KISS): January 2011 til December 21, 2011
(With 3 heat passes ONLY: June, November, and December (graduation))
3.KISS Ultimate Challenge: for life and will continuously improve! ^_^
Reggie of the month:
Workout days (5x's a week):
Put hair in bun coated with Lustrasilk Aloe vera or Mane n Tale, evoo, and sweet almond oil (sao) and baggy hair while working out. Alternate protein and moisture.
Co-wash with Tresemme moisture rich/sao (every time) and do a cool water rinse.
Spritz hair with aloe juice and 911 leave-in root to tip
a. Seal with a light oil and serum then rollerset. OR
b. M/s on ends with ORS carrot oil and an oil (castor, evoo, sao, coconut, whatever) and braid.
Air dry in braids or rollerset. Always air-dry
•Wear head wrap, or braid/twist-out BUNS in clip all week with ends moisturized and tucked away.
•Nightly: m/s with aloe spritz, ORS carrot oil doo grow or evoo and seal ends and edges with castor oil and braid or cross-wrap. Baggy and go to sleep.
If my new growth becomes really unruly, then coconut milk d/c every 6 weeks or so will do the trick!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I have not touched my hair in two weeks!!
However, I replenished some staples and I am going to get to work on my hair.
Items I bought:
-Lustrasilk cholesterols (the shea butter and the aloe vera)
- 911 liquid leave-in
- Cream of Nature moisture-active deep conditioning treatment with jojoba and olive oil
- Mane N' Tale detangler
- Magenta magnetic rollers
- Silk rollers (finally)
This weekend I plan to:
1. Detangle with my afro comb in very small (1 inch) sections with Mane n' Tale detangler
2. Pre-poo (from root to tip) with Lustrasilk's Aloe Vera detangling conditioner
3. Rinse (luke warm water). Shampoo (scalp only in 6 braids) with CON kiwi-lime
4. D/C for 30 minutes with heat with the following mix:
- 1 tbsp evoo
- 7 drops each of peppermint and tea tree oils
- 1 cap full (1 tbsp) of porosity control
- 1-2 tbsp (about 4 pumps) of Nexxux humectress
all mixed into 1/4 cup of each: Lustrasilk shea butter and CON moisture-active deep conditioner
5. Rinse in braids, detagling each section and re-braiding.
6. Spritz and comb through 911 leave-in and aloe vera juice; seal with serum.
7. Rollerset and air-dry.
8. M/S nightly with aloe, ORS carrot oil, coconut oil and cross-wrap.
Wear head-wrap this week.
Friday, January 14, 2011
2011 Staples for Year long stretch!
- Lustrasilk's Shea Butter and Mango (moisturizing deep conditioner, mainly preferred on dry hair with grapeseed, vitamin e oil, and evoo mixed in)
- ORS Replinishing conditioner (protein-based deep conditioner; used every other weekend with heat)
- Herbal Essences Hydralicious (used sometimes mixed with the Lustrasilk)
- Dove Daily moisture (mainly used as a d/c without heat while working out)
- Mane 'n Tale (rotated with Dove)
- V05 clarifying conditioner (used as a shampoo/cleanser [NO MORE SHAMPOO FOR ME])
- Hair One olive oil for dry hair (used as a shampoo/cleanser - love it!)
- Tresumme moisture rich vitamin e (My quick-conditioner, works well mixed with sweet almond oil. I use this to detangle the hair. I USED THIS BEFORE EVERY FINAL RINSE)
( after 2 years of experimentation, I have found that my hair prefers liquid leave-ins versus creamy)
- Cold Aloe Vera juice (my #1leave-in. It seals the cuticle, moisturizes and helps with detangling)
- 911 emergency leave-in (moisturizing)[DISCONTINUED] (Can you believe they took this off of the market???)
- Aphogee pro-vitamin leave-in (keeps the line of demarcation strong!)
(after 2 years of experimentation, I have found that I have to water down most of these a little bit more for my hair)
- Herbal Essences long term relationship
- Tresumme vitamin e (works well as a moisturizer too!)
- ORS carrot oil (for the occasional straight hair)
- Coconut oil (for straight hair as well)
- ORS creamy aloe shampoo
- Nexxus Therapee Moisturizing shampoo
- EVOO ( pre-pooing overnight!)
- Cocounut ( straight style moisturizer/sealant/occasional scalp treatment)
- Doo grow Mega thick growth oil ( for nightly sealing and for coating my hands before taking down sets)
- Castor (for sealing damaged ends and for slicking and thickening edges. Occasionally used as a scalp treatment)
- Grapeseed, vitamin e, peppermint, and sweet almond oil (for adding to conditioners).
- Water (as a spritz)
- Fantasia IC serum
- Nexxus Heat protexx
- Frizz ease super serum
Back again!
Well, well, well, if it isn't me. Relaxed...again. It has been a journey, and it just keeps going. Almost to BSL and back teaching in t...
I started using this as a pre-poo/dc at the beginning of my hhj. I used to workout with the conditioner in my hair. A year and a half later,...
The preparation : (the following portion of this discussion is taken from an article written By Audrey Sivasothy a/k/a sistaslicks) My pers...
I picked up this little goodie at Kroger on sale for around 3.00 for 12 fl. oz. I have been co-washing with it everyday this week. I am almo...